Access Keys:

Tannaghmore PS, Lake Street, Lurgan, Craigavon

Arrangements for School Reopening

4th Aug 2020

Tuesday 4th August 2020

Dear Parent/ Guardian

I hope you and your children are all keeping well and enjoying the summer break. As we enter the month of August we are approaching the time for reopening of schools and I want to revisit the arrangements for Tannaghmore PS for the beginning of the school year. The following arrangements are subject to change depending on the advice which may come from the Department of Education.

Induction Week

School will open on Monday 24th August for an induction week.

  • Primary 2-6 only, half of the children will attend school on Monday & Tuesday and the other half on Wednesday & Thursday.
  • Half of the 2020/21 Primary 7 children will attend school on Monday 24th and the other half on Thursday 27th. This arrangement is to allow the Primary 7 teachers to work with the children who will be celebrating Confirmation on Wednesday 26th.
  • The new primary 1 children will attend school in small groups for the first two weeks from 9am -12 noon.
  • The days your child will attend are available on the school website under Parents Area and Induction 2020.
  • I have received requests from parents to change their child’s days of attendance on Induction Week for a range of reasons. It would be very much appreciated if all children attended on their allocated day as it is not possible to restart the process of allocating places.

All children from P2-7 will attend school full time from Tuesday 1st September.

School Uniform

Full school uniform should be worn when the children return to school. Children in Primary 1 and 2 only should purchase the new school book bags which will replace normal school bags for those year groups when things return to normal. Frequent washing of the school uniform is recommended by the public health advisors. Children will be able to wear a coat to and from school but will not be permitted to carry school bags, including the P1&2 school book bags, between home and school. School lunches should be carried in disposable plastic bags. Items from home such as small figurines, books and toys are not permitted.

Breakfast Club

It is our intention to run the breakfast club commencing on Monday 24th August. Strict social distancing arrangements will be in place. Booking of the Breakfast Club and associated payments should be done through the school money service. I will let parents know when the booking system opens.


Afterschool Clubs

Initially we will not be in a position to run after Afterschool Clubs but we will keep this under review.

School App

Please download the school App from to your phone so that you can receive all relevant information.

School Money

All payments in school will be based on a cashless system and will require parents to pay online. Please ensure that you have registered for School Money. If you have any issues with the registration process, please contact me at the school. Parents have reported having difficulty registering a second or third child on the system. Please note - if you have successfully registered one child, the system will connect other siblings to your log in.

Mobile Electronic Devices

Children should not bring mobile phones or devices such as smart watches to school in the new school year. These devices are very often a distraction in class and can contribute to issues of cyberbullying and inappropriate use of technology. Any information which a parent needs to share with children during the school day should go through the school office.

Yours Sincerely

Seamus McCreesh
