Access Keys:

Tannaghmore PS, Lake Street, Lurgan, Craigavon
The Great Tannaghmore Bake Off -Monday 21st October (Enter your tasty dish made with Armagh apples and win cash prizes! Child and adult entries £2 per entry. Rules state that all food should 1. Contain apples 2. Be in a disposable dish/ tray etc 3. Nut free. Child and Adult entry forms may be downloaded from site or available from Miss Hussey P.2B
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Primary 1-3 Arrangements Monday 8th -Friday 19th March

5th Mar 2021

Children in Primary 1-3 will return to school on Monday 8th March until Friday 19th March. The following arrangements should be noted;

  • All children P1-3 will enter the school via the North Circular Road gate. School starts at 9am.
  • Any adult leaving children to school or collecting children must wear a face covering at the school gate and observe social distancing. If another adult leaves your child to school or collects them please make them aware of this.
  • All children Primary 1-3 should be collected at the North Circular Road gate. The collection times are staggered as follows; Primary 1 - 1.45pm.   Primary 2 - 1.55pm.    Primary 3 - 2pm.  
  • Only come forward to collect your child when you are called and at the appropriate time.
  • School bus will be available at 2pm only to those children who are booked on through the school money app.
  • If you wish your child to receive school dinner, please book through the school money app.

During the two weeks the children are in school the emphasis will be on settling the children into routine and developing their social and emotional aspects, therefore children will have very little homework. We plan to provide the children with three sessions of Relax Kids with coach Mary O' Connor over the two weeks. 

The children will have PE on Tuesday and Wednesday and they should wear PE gear into school on those two days.

We are delighted to have the children back in school and we want to make sure we all keep as safe as possible so I would ask for your support in sticking to the regulations at school starting time and home times.

RISE NI have produced a video to assist parents in supporting their child's return on Monday 8th and this can be accessed at


Yours Sincerely


Seamus McCreesh
