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Tannaghmore PS, Lake Street, Lurgan, Craigavon

Celebrating Our Successes in P5C

11th Feb 2022

Congratulations to all those who were awarded certificates at our class assembly today. Alex, Brogan, Sophia, Cadhla and Maiya were all presented with a Star of the Week Certificate. Well done children⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.

Brogan, Ashton, Charlie, Christopher, Jacob, Amelia and Caoimhe were all awarded Bronze Mathletics Certificates. Oran and James achieved silver Certificates. Donal and Sophia were awarded gold certificates. Marvellous Mathematicians! Congratulations to you all⭐️⭐️👏👏.

Ashton and Ella were presented with reading awards. Super work📚📚⭐️⭐️👏👏. Remember P5C KEEP READING!