Access Keys:

Tannaghmore PS, Lake Street, Lurgan, Craigavon


2020/2021 School Year

7th Jun 2021
The pupils have been doing challenges with spatial exploration with pentaninoes....
6th Jun 2021
Primary 7 competed in their Sports day today, their last one in Tannaghmore ...
4th Jun 2021
The boys and girls in Primary 3 had an awesome day at their sports day. Even the...
1st Jun 2021
The school received the following notification from EA; Revised date for...
31st May 2021
A well-deserved congratulations to Jacob, our P6C Pupil of the Month. Keep...
29th May 2021
Mrs Davey’s P4 class celebrated First Holy Communion in lovely sunshine this...
28th May 2021
Dear Parent/ Guardian After a very unusual school year we have arrived at the...
27th May 2021
We made the most of the beautiful sunshine to go outside to pot up our sunflower...
27th May 2021
Current Eligible Families and New Applicants Parents/guardians who are currently...
27th May 2021
P2A are racing and jumping with Coach Dylan. We are getting into shape for our Sport's...