Access Keys:

Tannaghmore PS, Lake Street, Lurgan, Craigavon

Family Learning Programme

27th Sep 2021

One of the aims of the the EA's Count Read Succeed Programme is to offer parents support and advice on helping their child with their learning. 

In order to assist with this EA have engaged the services of a Family Learning Organisation who will deliver a family learning programme over three sessions starting with the first session on Tuesday 5th October 2021. 

The programme will be divided into three areas: 1. Parenting/ family issues, 2. literacy and  3.numeracy. Each session will commence at 7.30pm and last approx. 1.5 hrs.

Attached is the overview of each session with the Zoom links included.  Parents will have a separate link for each session






Date of session

Parenting Session

What is the hardest part of Parenting?

Parenting challenges have never been more apparent. Big and little moments can have powerful emotional impact on parents. This session will look at some common problems that parents face and ways to resolve them.

Zoom meeting link:

Meeting ID: 851 4878 3851

Passcode: 734728

KS 1, 2 and 3

Liz Jones

Tues 05/10/2021

Literacy   Session

Taking the mystery out of phonics

This session will look at the essential word attack skills for reading, including phonics.

The people attending will be introduced to Paired Reading which improves fluency, effective reading and comprehension.

Zoom meeting link:

Meeting ID: 834 0027 6855

Passcode: 037575

KS 1, 2 and 3

 Kate O’Hanlon

 Wed 06/10/2021



Addition and Subtraction: Is it enough for your children to get the answers quickly or do they need more than this?

Addition and subtraction are basic life skills and everyone should be good at them.  While many think that getting the right answer is enough, this practical session will highlight why children need to understand the maths and have a better understanding than was previously expected.  This is much easier than it sounds and we will be looking at easy, fun activities that parents can use with their children to ensure they are confident and successful during this crucial stage of their learning. 

Zoom meeting link:

Meeting ID: 731 3008 9958

Passcode: 0ZwYA1


Key Stage 1

 Colette Delargy

 Thur 07/10/2021