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Tannaghmore PS, Lake Street, Lurgan, Craigavon

First Communion Celebration.

22nd May 2021

Congratulations to our Primary 4 classes who received the sacrament of First Communion this morning in St. Peter’s. Thank you to everyone involved in making this morning’s celebrations so special and to all those who helped prepare the children so well - the teachers and classroom assistants, Miss Murtagh, Miss Mc Grady, Mrs Devlin, Mrs Davey, Mrs Doran, Mrs Corvan and Miss Mc Geown. Thank you to Canon Stevenson, Noel and Marie in the parish office. A celebration like this wouldn’t be the same without music, so a special word of thanks to the Hannah sisters for the brilliant music and to Sinead for helping prepare the children. Finally thanks to the parents and to our wonderful boys and girls in P4, you were fantastic! We are so proud you. The sun even made a special appearance!