Primary 1 & 2 Snack
Dear parent/ guardian,
We are encouraging adults to give their child one piece of fruit or some other type of healthy snack to develop good habits at an early stage. We are asking you to avoid snacks that are high in levels of sugar and fat. We are encouraging parents to only put water in their children's water bottles to protect the children's teeth from decay caused by sugar in drinks.
The staff in Primary 1 & 2 would really appreciate if the children's snack could be limited to one item and labelled seperately from their lunch so that it's clear which food is for the snack and which food is for their lunch. Organising this with a full class of 30 young children can be quite confusing in the morning.
In foundation stage , children very often receive regular prizes or use materials which the school staff will buy outside the normal curricular resources. We are asking for a donation of £5 per child to cover the costs of these resources. This can be paid through School Money.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
Primary 1 & 2 Teachers and Staff.