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Tannaghmore PS, Lake Street, Lurgan, Craigavon

Live Here Love Here Pollinator project 2022 and 2023

24th Feb 2023

Tannaghmore PS have recently been awarded a school pollinator grant. The eco council and volunteers have been very busy making plans for creating pollinating areas within our School. We are looking forward to having a polytunnel, that we can utilise for planting in all seasons. We now have access to 3 outdoor taps that will enable us to hydrate our new plants/shrubs/bulbs. We purchased bug hotels, hedgehog houses, a wormery and several bird boxes using the funds from the Live Here Love Here grant. Our pupils are very excited and keen to check on any "visitors" that may visit these habitats. Many thanks to our local nursery, Planatation Rd for supplying us with a variety of pollinating plants/shrubs, which has been financed through our grant. Keep your eyes peeled in the months ahead, as we progress further with our project. Hopefully through this project, we will see a variety of different pollinating insects visiting our school grounds on a regular basis.