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P4A Midweek Catchup

7th Feb 2024

It's been such a busy week in P4A that we're having a mid week catch-up!

This is Children's Mental Health Awareness Week and we've had special activities every day.  Each morning we've started with a mindfulness activity followed by a Five Minute Meditiation.

On Monday our special activity was painting our monsters.  On Tuesday we followed instructions to make pancakes, eating them was obviously the most enjoyable part!  Today we took part in the RSPB Big Schools Bird Watch and enjoyed getting out into nature.

Yesterday was also Safer Internet Day and we learned some helpful ways to stay safe online.  We know that if something happens online that we aren't happy about we should tell a trusted adult, report and block.  We learned that when we play games they should be suitable for our age - we wouldn't put a set of car keys in our children's hands so giving them an 18+ game is equally unsafe.

We've been using our robots and playing instruction games too.