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Tannaghmore PS, Lake Street, Lurgan, Craigavon

P5C Homework Week beginning 2/12/24

29th Nov 2024

Spelling - Unit 10 Children must learn their spellings and complete two pages in their spelling workbook.

Mathletics tasks have been set. Children should work towards achieving 1000 points each week.

Times Tables - x9. Some children are going to revisit their 3 times tables.

Accelerated Reading - Children should read each night, record the pages they have read and complete quizzes when they have finished their book. Please ensure that their reading logs are signed each night.

Many of our children are coming to school without their homework folders or leaving books at home. Please remind your child that it is important to bring these to school. Unfortunately some children are not completing their homework tasks. They are reminded each day about their homework. We would be very grateful if you could check that your son/daughter is doing their homework.

Many Thanks C.Cunningham/B. Lavery