Access Keys:

Tannaghmore PS, Lake Street, Lurgan, Craigavon

School Restart 2021

30th Aug 2021

Dear Parent

We welcome our children back to school on this week, all our Primary 2 to 7 children on Wednesday 1st September and our Primary 1 children over the next number of days.

Parents are now able to book school dinners, breakfast club and school transport on the School Money App and bookings for this week should be completed today. Bookings for each new week should be completed before 12 midnight on the previous Sunday. Click on for additional information.

Unfortunately, we are facing higher numbers of COVID transmission in our local community and I am appealing to our whole school community to support us in keeping our school COVID free.

How Parents can help;

We want to ensure that the transition back to school for all our children is as smooth as possible. It is important that the school and parents work closely together to support the children as they return to school.

  • Parents should avoid parking close to or at the school gates. We encourage parents to park further away from the school and then walk with their children to avoid congestion. All adults approaching the school gate should be wearing a face covering.
  • Social distancing remains one of the key measures to be taken in school to mitigate the risks of virus transmission. When escorting children to and from school all adults must adhere to social distancing guidelines and also wear a face covering.
  • Parents will not be permitted into the school building without permission from the Principal. Please contact us if you need to enter the school building for any reason.
  • Help your child/children practise good hand and respiratory hygiene.
  • Send inhalers/medication and agreed medication plans to school on the first day in a sealed plastic lunchbox, clearly labelled with the child’s name and class teacher.
  • Ensure we have three up-to-date contact numbers in case of emergencies.
  • Please do not send sick children to school.
  • If your child has any symptoms of Covid-19 he/she should stay at home and you should follow the latest Public Health advice.

Symptomatic Children in School

If anyone displays symptoms of COVID-19, they, and any members of their household within that school setting, must be sent home and advised to follow the PHA guidance for households with a possible COVID-19 infection.

If there is a positive COVID19 case in school the school will;

  •  Contact parents of all those children who are considered to be a close contact of a confirmed case. They will be advised that their child will need to self-isolate until they have taken a PCR test. (Children who received a positive PCR test in the previous 90 days will not have to isolate).
  •  If the PCR test is positive they should self-isolate for 10 days from the onset of symptoms or, if they have no symptoms, for 10 days from the test result
  •  If the test is negative they can return to school, however, if they do go on to develop new symptoms, they should stay at home, self-isolate with their household and book another PCR test.

I understand that these procedures may create added stress and inconvenience to parent’s already busy lives but I’m sure you will appreciate the need for us all to work together to keep our whole school community safe.

All the children will all be taking part in 'The Golden Mile' this year where they will walk/run for 15 minutes. Please ensure your child is wearing appropriate shoes for walking. 

Please see attached a letter to Parents and carers from the Minister for Education.

Yours sincerely

Seamus McCreesh
