Access Keys:

Tannaghmore PS, Lake Street, Lurgan, Craigavon

School Letter for Parents

4th Nov 2020

Dear Parent

PE in Schools

Earlier this week the schools were notified by the Department of Education that children were not to take part in PE with the exception of small groups outside. We have now been told that this is no longer the case and PE lessons and sport can go ahead in schools.

Consequently, all classes will be taking part in PE from Monday 9th November on. Your child will be notified of their day for PE and they should wear PE gear (Trainers, Jogging bottoms, Sweat Shirt/ T-shirt) to school on that day.

The Heathly Kidz afterschool clubs will start on Monday 9th November. Children who will be attending an after school club can wear PE gear to school on that day. There are spaces still available in some of the clubs and places must be booked through Healthy Kidz at Parents who have already booked spaces for Primary 7 boys’ gaelic football will retain their place, any other places for this club can be booked through the School Money App.

Parent Teacher Meetings

School will be closed on Friday 20th November for parent/ teacher meetings. Due to COVID19 restrictions the teachers are unable to have face to face meetings with parents this year and meetings will be held over a telephone call instead. We have arranged an online booking system which parents will be able to access through the school website. Parents will be able to book a time to receive a phone call from the teacher. The calls will last 10 minutes and will appear as No Caller ID on your phone. Please ensure that we have up to date contact details for you. The phone call from the Primary 1 & 2 teachers will focus more on how your child is settling in to school as parents of Primary 1 & 2 children will have an opportunity to speak to their child's teacher again after Christmas. I will inform parents when the booking system becomes available next week.

School Attendance

School starts at 9am and I would ask parents to try to ensure that your child is on time for school. If your child is absent from school for any reason please contact the school office to report the absence.

Yours sincerely

Seamus McCreesh
