Access Keys:

Tannaghmore PS, Lake Street, Lurgan, Craigavon

School Opening August 2020

17th Aug 2020


Lake Street, Lurgan, Craigavon, Co. Armagh, BT67 9DY

PRINCIPAL: Mr S McCreesh                                                


Monday 17th August

Dear Parent/ Guardian

We are delighted to be in a position to welcome all the children back to school next week and our main priority is to do so in a safe and healthy way. This will involve changing routines and putting in place different arrangements which will require the cooperation of the whole school community. It is very important that you as parents and guardians support us by following the new routines to ensure everyone’s safety.

If your child is unwell or displaying symptoms of COVID19, they must not attend school.

School begins on Monday 24th August and if you have not already done so, please check the school website to find out what days your child is to attend. Children should be wearing full school uniform.

The School Day

The school gates will open at 8.50am to allow children only into the school grounds. No children (with the exception of the breakfast club) will be permitted on the grounds before that time. Parents may not enter the school grounds between 8.45 – 3.15pm without having made an appointment through the office. The children will then join their class which will be lined up in the school yard. We will be using the ‘protective bubble’ approach within school where each year group will remain separate in as much as possible from the other year groups.

Entering School

The school has 3 entry points and all 3 points will be used to prevent the build-up of large groups of adults and children. Primary 1,2 and 3 will enter the school from the North Circular Road entrance at the rear of the building. Primary 6 & 7 will enter through the main ENTRANCE GATE and Primary 4 & 5 will enter through the main EXIT GATE. A member of staff will be stationed at each point to ensure the children only enter through the appropriate gate. This arrangement is essential to avoid children from different year groups mixing. Primary 1 children will start school at 9.15am for the first two induction weeks. This will give parents the chance to take their child to school on their first day and to have a short induction meeting with school staff. Face coverings should be worn by Primary 1 parents entering the school grounds.

Leaving School

For the first two weeks Primary 1 children will be going home at 12 o’ clock. Those children will be brought up to the main entrance gate at the front of the school by their class teacher for collection by parents. At 2pm Primary 2 children will be brought to the main EXIT GATE at the front of the school and can be collected by parents. At 2pm the Primary 3 children will be brought to the main ENTRANCE GATE at the front of the school for collection by parents. Parents should socially distance outside the school gates.

School Bus

Home to school transport on the bus service should only be used where there is no alternative available. All pupils should therefore seek to use alternative methods of travel in particular such as walking and cycling, where it is safe to do so. Please note, a new walk way is available from Lough Rd, via Woodville Gate and Ashford Grange on to Lake Street opposite the school. It is recommended that children who do need to use the bus use a face covering but this is not essential. No food or drink should be consumed on the bus. Children should sit with siblings or with children in their year group if possible. Bus Routes will remain the same for this year. Places on the bus must be pre-booked and paid for using the school money online payment system. The bus fare is 50p per journey and must be paid through the School Money online payment system.

School Meals

There will be no school meals on the week beginning Monday 24th August so all children will require a packed lunch. From Tuesday 1st September we will provide a school dinner for those children who are entitled to a free school meal. Every other child will need a packed lunch. We will review this arrangement during September and will hope to provide a school dinner to any child who requires it as soon as possible.

Breakfast Club

The breakfast club will be open from Monday 24th August. Any child attending breakfast club can be escorted by a parent down to the school canteen where they will be met by a member of staff. Parents must not enter the canteen. All places in the breakfast club must be booked and paid for using the School Money online booking service. All children attending breakfast club must be in school before 8.30am.

Home / School Virus transfer Prevention

To ensure the safety of staff and pupils, children should not bring school bags, pencil cases, toys or any non-essential items to school. This is to minimise the opportunity for the transfer of the virus between home and school. Children will have to bring lunch to school and can use disposable bags, recyclable bags or a hard plastic lunch box and water bottle which MUST be wiped clean each day. Children may bring a coat to school. All items which are brought to school need to be clearly labelled. Homework will be based very much on digital resources to minimise the need to take books to and from school.

Safety Measures

Our priority is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our pupils and staff. Each year group will be taught as a separate bubble from the minute they enter the school grounds. This will include class times, break and lunch time and leaving the school. Hand hygiene, one way systems, multiple school entry/ exit points and temperature checks are only part of the solution. Please talk to your child about how school may feel a little different. For example, they will have to wash their hands more frequently, they will have less contact with children in other classes, different break and lunch routines etc. It is important to reassure your children that all of these changes in school will help to keep them safe. You may also want to explain that parents are not permitted on the school grounds and that the children will be able to line up with their class in the morning when they come through the appropriate gate.

Sickness in school

If a child presents unwell during the day we will contact parents immediately and arrangements must be made to take the child home. We will have a designated isolation room which will be used in the event of a child feeling unwell. Children displaying symptoms will be taken to this room and supervised until their parents arrive to take them home. The school will inform parents of any confirmed cases of Covid-19 in their child’s bubble. Please ensure that we have we have at least three up to date contacts for your child.

School Uniform

Children will wear school uniform as normal. We ask that parents ensure that their child changes out of their school uniform as soon as they arrive home. We also request that parents try to launder their child’s school uniform as often as possible during the week. You will be informed of your child’s PE day as soon as possible. Children can wear their PE gear into school on those days to help with the practicality of this.

School Money

Thank you to all the parents who have registered for School Money. Those that have not, please do so at your earliest convenience. The school bus and breakfast club bookings will be the first to go live later this week. A text will be sent out when the booking opens.

How Parents can help

  • When escorting children to and from school all adults must adhere to social distancing guidelines. Only one parent should escort a child to school.
  • Please bring your child to the appropriate gate as detailed in this letter.
  • Parents will not be permitted into the school grounds without a pre-arranged appointment through the school office
  • Help your child/children practise good hand and respiratory hygiene.
  • Send inhalers/medication, agreed medication plans to school on the first day in a sealed plastic lunchbox clearly labelled with the child’s name and class teacher.
  • Ensure we have 3 up-to-date contact numbers in case of emergencies.
  • If your child has any symptoms of Covid-19 he/she should stay at home and you should follow the latest Public Health advice.
  • Please ensure you register for school money.
  • Thank you for your continued support. We hope that everyone stays safe and well and we look forward to welcoming back all of our children.

Seamus McCreesh
