Access Keys:

Tannaghmore PS, Lake Street, Lurgan, Craigavon

School Reopening 12th April

8th Apr 2021

Dear Parent/ Guardian

All children will be returning to school on Monday 12th April. 

School starts at 9am and I would encourage parents and guardians to ensure that the children are on time for the start of the school day.

School meals and school transport must be booked on the School Money App before Monday.

The Department of Education have not as yet given permission for Breakfast Clubs or After Schools Clubs to commence.

There will only be PE on Tuesday next week for the children in Primary 1B,2B,3B etc.

The procedures for the COVID19 remain in place and I would strongly encourage all parents approaching the school gates in the morning or at home time to wear a face covering and socially distance.

Any child with a new cough and/or a high temperature and/or loss of taste or smell must not attend school.

Your child must not attend school if any member of the household is waiting on the result of a COVID19 test.

Yours Sincerely

S McCreesh
