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Tannaghmore PS, Lake Street, Lurgan, Craigavon

Whole School World Book Day Challenge

23rd Feb 2023


World Book Day is on Thursday 2nd March. All classes in the school will be having lessons or arranging activities to celebrate all things book related.

We thought for a bit of fun this year the children could dress a potato up as a book character. 

Your challenge children is to turn an ordinary potato into a book character of your choice. You can use pens, paint, fabric, card, recycled items or any craft materials you may have at home to add features and costumes to your potato. We can't wait to see a whole variety of potatoes that celebrate the characters from a wide range of books! When you bring your potato into school , we will upload photographs for everyone to see. We will have prizes for the best potatoes in each class.

Have a look at the pictures and links below for ideas to inspire you -can you spot any characters you recognise?