
School begins at 9am. It is important that your child arrives at school on time. When pupils arrive late it makes things difficult for everyone. The teacher has to stop and wait for the latecomer to settle down and the rest of the class is disrupted. The latecomer misses the first part of the day and may feel uncomfortable and embarrassed. Similarly, when a child is picked up late repeatedly, this causes concern for the child and issues for teachers who have duties when the children leave.
Regular attendance at school is the responsibility of parents. If your child cannot go to school for any reason please contact the school to let us know, preferably by telephone or email ( the reason for the absence. If your child has frequent periods of absence the school may write to you about this matter or you could be contacted by an Education Welfare Officer.
Your child should only be absent from school if medically unfit to attend or due to a family bereavement. It is not acceptable for children to be absent because it is their birthday, to go on shopping trips or to look after younger brothers and sisters.
As a parent/carer you can demonstrate your commitment to your child’s education by not taking holidays during term time.
Why your child should not miss school unnecessarily.
- It is important that children attend school regularly if they are to benefit from the learning opportunities provided.
- Children who are absent from school in term time will miss out on important learning.
- Educational experiences in school missed as a result of a family holiday cannot be recaptured later.
- If your child does not attend school regularly he/she will not be able to keep up with the work. This will have a serious impact on opportunities later in life.
Statement of Principle
All members of the school community of Tannaghmore Primary School, are fully committed to the principle that good attendance is an important part of school life. It is further acknowledged that it is the duty of the school to promote an environment in which attendance is nurtured and in which positive steps are taken to promote the emotional and physical well-being of every pupil in its care.